**********Her St0ry is My StoRy**********

**********Her St0ry is My StoRy**********

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Entry Pepagi Buta

Assalamualaikum wbt....

jam pkol 2.15 pagi...
aku stil duk mengulit Lili Buat Najah...sgt best!sedey sgt! tapi sebabkan im having flu yg sederhana teruk, aku stopkan pbacaan...risau esok sederhana tu jadi heavy plak...[fhm2 sndri sudey]

Spesel to cik Srikandi:

Happy Birthday yg ke *tut*[patutkah dimentionkan angkanya?]=)
awal ko dah tido....mesti dah sure2 takkan ada yg menunggu tuk suprisekan with candles on the cake kan?hehehehhehe

neway...hope ko will got wateva u wished for dear....

note:nanti review on Lili Buat Najah will come so soon~~ =)


  1. thanx babe...
    aah tido awal sbb dh tau xde sape nk ketuk pintu bilek mcm dolu2 with kek.


    pagi ni ade gak yg ketuk pintu dgn special gift..hahahaah..

  2. dear..lame dah x komen kt page ko..xdan seh...ko on la smula fb ko...xbest la ko xde fb nih....
