**********Her St0ry is My StoRy**********

**********Her St0ry is My StoRy**********

Friday, April 23, 2010

"Lurve is in the Air"

Mode:Empty Decoration on air!(><) smbil minum iced ribena di ari yg panas...


Juz finished read Qushar & Fad..nice cerpen...but xsuke la Fad tu trus stuju ngan proposal Qushar...patutnye plays hard to get baru la best...barulah Qushar tu tau,jgn nk sesuka hati je tolak-buang-tarik-ambil org...tp seriously,cerpen tu mmg swet...sooo swet....comel sgt dat couple...*wondering:can we be like dat?*


p/s: srikandi, wat do u think about Fad?=D


  1. giler lmbat ko bace Qushar & Fad, sampai aku kene baca skali lg bile ko suh komen...huk3, dah lupe. aku suka jeh die trus terima sbb kalo nk tguu si Q tu sedar lambat lg lah...heheh.nsib bek ade adek die..

    note: play hard to get tu kalo dr mule mmg Q tu nk kat Fad. ni dah kne reject bru sdar dri dgn org yg depan mate.(ops, emotional plak)

  2. hahahah...aku lama xbaca e-nov dowh....
    first time aku disagree ngan ko..aku still rasa Fad patut main2kan Q dulu,jgn trus say yes...

    note:org laki ni kalau sng dapat,dorg sng take for granted kat kite...[opss...jangkit emo ngan ko]

  3. tapi kalo play hard to get..then i cannot get him forever...apelah maknanya...

    note: mr.senior dah nk kawen(sob..sob..sob..)eh terlebih emo lg!

  4. wah...hebatnye aku dah leh komen kat post org len...sal qushar and fad...aku pun suke gak...and one most important things,aku dah mule neglect tugas hakiki aku bile bukak blog tuh...hahaha

  5. wahhh...hebatnye Moonchild...[kagum seyh]
    ishhhh...ape tugas hakiki ko tu?jgn abaikan anak buah aku tu dah la....haahahhah
