**********Her St0ry is My StoRy**********

**********Her St0ry is My StoRy**********

Sunday, July 25, 2010

My ComeBack!!

Assalamualaikum wbt...

First of all....im truly sorry from deep of my heart...sori sgt2 dearie...
and tuk menebus kesalahan aku ni...here comes my new entry...n aku mmg konfem sgt2 korang akan suke sgt2 n takkan marahkan aku lama2....[aku mmg for sure sgt2....ahakkksssss]

My dearie SriKandi & MoonChild...
dis entry aku dedicated specially for both of u dear!disebabkan aku sedang mengalami ape yg org panggil writer block [perasan aku ni penulis agaknye...ahakkkssss =D]
so that,aku hanya akan penuhkan my entry kali ni dgn pic je okeyh....hope u'll be satisfied!


malam MPG @ Grand Continental,Kuantan

last picture!
ingat tak lagi ape yg jadi prop dis pic?aku stil simpan those luvly paper!

p/s: hope korang suke suke!aku tau korang dah lama tunggu these pic kan?love y gurls!


  1. hello my dear,
    finally ko buat comeback jugak.
    ofcos i love when u're back
    n ofcos i love all those picture..
    kite punye zaman kanak2 riang tu..hekhek
    muke sume ala2 pelakon handalan..

    tapi cik teru, dont u think dat u shudn't put the "un-hijab" picture there..huhu

    note: no hard feeling ya!
    aku dah copy all those gambar
    after moonchild comment, maybe u shud edit it.heheh..

  2. eh lupe plak..
    ko tgok mcm mane kite transfrom diri kite dari part 1 (cute) to part 6 (cutest)...hahahaha

  3. srikandi....bout the pic tu takpe lah....blog ni pun juz kite2 je lorh...selamat la kut...ahakssss...
    BTW,xde pun appear komen dari moonchild?yg mn satu ko maksudkan tu?

  4. Cik teru,
    moonchild belum komen lagi..hehe..

  5. ello my dear...sori ;long time no komen...sbb aku kn kusus kt ceruk tjg malim tuh..line tepon pn still x bape nk ok kt situ...huhu....

    neway...aku sgt2 gumbira melihat gmbr tuh sume..menarik n menikam kalbu..chewah...hehe....tp so sori aku x dpt nk upload something yg best2 camtuh gak sbb sekembali jer aku kt ofis nih,keje menimbun atas meja...(konon2 org penting la kn...huhu...)nextime la bile aku dh leh bernafas skit,aku wat post ok..tata..miss u all....

  6. owh..owh...thanx sebab dah kuarkan that un-hijab picture..huhu..

    miss n luv u, me gal..kehkeh..
